The luxury you wanted
At the price you dreamed of
The luxury your customers want at the price they dreamed of Everyone knows that even the biggest, most luxurious brands manufacture in the same massive factories on the same production lines and to the same standards. But what if you could take the most advanced technology, the smartest features, the highest quality… and make them accessible at affordable and pleasing prices?
Finally, KMG gives you that big opportunity.
For the first time in Israel, your customers can get all the luxury they wanted – at the price they dreamed of. No overspending on branding, no extra advertising costs, no tricks, and no gimmicks. Just pure high-end technology, smart design, identical reliability, and full warranty. Show them the advantages, reveal the price, and receive the thanks you deserve.
Digital Inverter Technology is sweeping not only the air conditioning market but also other household appliances that use heating and cooling: refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines. And rightly so: the new technology improves the performance, reliability, and lifespan of appliances through smarter operation of the motor or compressor. Instead of constantly turning on and off, the inverter motor simply adjusts its speed according to demand, providing precise temperature control and ideal humidity levels.
All KMG refrigerators use Digital Inverter technology, contributing to savings on electricity bills. The inverter motors come with a 10-year warranty.
Digital Inverter Technology is sweeping not only the air conditioning market but also other household appliances that use heating and cooling: refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines. And rightly so: the new technology improves the performance, reliability, and lifespan of appliances through smarter operation of the motor or compressor. Instead of constantly turning on and off, the inverter motor simply adjusts its speed according to demand, providing precise temperature control and ideal humidity levels.
All KMG refrigerators use Digital Inverter technology, contributing to savings on electricity bills. The inverter motors come with a 10-year warranty.
Separate Cooling Units
for Refrigerator and Freezer
The inverter motor intelligently distributes cooling power between the refrigerator and freezer, directing cold air exactly where it’s needed and at the precise temperature required. This allows for optimal cooling power and significant savings on household electricity bills
No Frost: Anti-Ice Buildup System
When ice accumulates in the freezer or refrigerator, it reduces storage volume and puts extra strain on the motor. That’s why KMG refrigerators are equipped with a No Frost system that automatically adjusts the temperature and humidity levels, prevents ice formation through proper air circulation and drying, and ensures a consistent temperature throughout the refrigerator.
Give your customers a better, quieter, and more economical future. Show them KMG.
A Variety of Sizes and Configurations
Minimalist Design. Maximum Luxury
KMG refrigerators come from the production lines of the most luxurious refrigerators in the world, boasting a minimalist and clean design with glass and stainless steel finishes, as well as smart and functional interior design. The range of colors and styles fits modern and updated kitchens, providing an elegant and beautiful look to any kitchen.
Luxurious and Energy- Saving LED Lighting
Give your customers the refrigerator that suits them perfectly. Give them KMG
Optimal Vegetable Storage Compartment
Israelis love to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, so KMG refrigerators are designed with a large vegetable storage compartment, programmed to provide optimal humidity and cooling conditions to maintain freshness for a longer time.
Dedicated Shelf for Meat and Fish
Your customers will find in KMG refrigerators a dedicated shelf for meat and fish, with ideal storage conditions to keep them fresh. This allows for easy cutting of the meat without having to wait for prolonged defrosting.
Special Compartment with Temperature and Humidity Control
KMG refrigerators are equipped with a special sealed compartment where special temperature and humidity conditions can be adjusted for various uses. For example, high humidity conditions for storing berries or dry conditions for storing sensitive fruits and vegetables, aging meats, storing hard cheeses, or chocolate products.
Dual-Use Drawer: Freezing and Cooling
Need a larger freezer compartment? No problem. KMG’s unique dual-use drawer converts part of the refrigerator into an additional freezing space. This is a very useful feature for special occasions or unexpected surprises.
No longer need the extra freezing space? The drawer can return to being part of the cooling compartment, allowing for the storage of dairy products, fruits, and vegetables.